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August 03
Modify Exchange Migration Throttling Policies

Creating a New, Non-Default Throttling Policy

To create a new, non-default throttling policy, run the New-ThrottlingPolicy cmdlet and set the parameters you want. Any parameters that you omit will inherit the values from the default throttling policy. The following example creates a new throttling policy, ClientThrottlingPolicy2. The new policy has nearly the same settings as the default throttling policy. The difference is that the new non-default throttling policy, ClientThrottlingPolicy2, sets EWSPercentTimeInCAS to 80 and turns off EWSPercentTimeInAD throttling.

New-ThrottlingPolicy -Name ClientThrottlingPolicy2 -EWSPercentTimeInCAS 80 -EWSPercentTimeInAD $null;

Get-ThrottlingPolicy | where-object {$_.IsDefault -eq $true}


Connect to Exchange Online using below commands:

$UserCredential = Get-Credential

$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection

Import-PSSession $Session


Once connected run below logs to collect the output for migration statuses:


Start-Transcript C:\Temp\MigrationSlow.txt

Get-MigrationBatch –Identity <name of the migration batch> | fl *status*

Get-MigrationUser -Identity <user_mailbox_alias>

Get-MigrationUser -Identity <user_mailbox_alias>

Get-MoveRequestStatistics <job_1_name> -IncludeReport -DiagnosticInfo verbose | Export-CliXml C:\Temp\MoveReportUser1.xml

Get-MoveRequestStatistics <job_2_name> -IncludeReport -DiagnosticInfo verbose | Export-CliXml C:\Temp\MoveReportUser2.xml



For Exchange 2010 MRS Proxy Enabled CAS-role Servers

If the production Exchange 2010 CAS are being used as MRS Proxies:

All Exchange 2010 CAS that are in the load balanced namespace are required to be enabled for MRS Proxy. For example, if the MRS Proxy endpoint is published to the internet as, and that namespace is loadbalanced, then all Exchange 2010 CAS that participate in that load balanced configuration would have to have the MRS Proxy capability enabled on them,

Several settings can reduce performance for mailbox moves. Editing the MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config file, located on all CAS servers in the same folder where Exchange is installed: \Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin\MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config. and modifying the following parameters to higher values can help improve migration throughput if an Exchange 2010 CAS is enabled as an MRS Proxy:

  1. MaxActiveMovesPerSourceMDB - This property specifies the total number of tasks MRS can perform that involve the mailbox database as a data source. Types of tasks include moving mailboxes located on the database, exporting mailbox data from mailboxes located on the database, and restoring mailbox data from the database. You can specify a value from 0 through 100. The default value is 5 concurrent tasks. Consider raising to 10
  2. MaxActiveMovesPerTargetMDB - This property specifies the total number of tasks MRS can perform that involve the mailbox database as a data target. Types of tasks include moving mailboxes to the database, importing mailbox data into a mailbox located on the database, and restoring mailbox data to a mailbox located on the database. You can specify a value from 0 through 100. The default value is 2 concurrent tasks. Consider raising to 10 or higher.
  3. MaxActiveMovesPerSourceServer - This property specifies the total number of tasks MRS can perform that include the server as a data source. You can specify a value from 0 through 1000. The default value is 50 concurrent moves. I don't see this as an issue, but mentioning it for thoroughness.
  4. MaxActiveMovesPerTargetServer - This property specifies the total number of tasks MRS can perform that involve the server as a data target. You can specify a value from 0 through 1000. The default value is 5 concurrent moves. Consider raising to 10



Understanding Client Throttling Policies:



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