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Xadean's Empirical Musing > Posts > Polycom VVX Phones Not Able to Sign-In to Lync with PIN Authentication
December 24
Polycom VVX Phones Not Able to Sign-In to Lync with PIN Authentication



I encountered a scenario where users were able to successfully login to Polycom VVX phones with their Active Directory domain, username, and password credentials. However, users were not able to sign-in to the phones with their extensions and PIN authentication.




The root cause was tracked down to being a misconfigured DNS SRV record in the SIP domain forward lookup zone. Consider the following example scenario:


Internal AD Domain: contoso.local

SIP Domain:

Lync Standard Edition Front End Server/Pool Name: LyncFE.contoso.local

SSL Certificate SN assigned to Lync FE: LyncFE.contoso.local

SSL Certificate SANs assigned to Lync FE:








The DNS forward lookup zone for the SIP domain "" should have a DNS SRV record pointing to a host record in the same domain as follows:

Priority: 0

Weight: 0

Port: 5061



The culprit in my case was that the host was defined as "LyncFe.contoso.local", which was incorrect. Once this was changed to "", PIN authentication worked as expected.


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